Low-intensity Laser Therapy
Low-Intensity Laser Therapy (LILT) uses superluminous and laser diodes to irradiate injured tissue with photons. These particles of energy are absorbed by a variety of molecules resulting in the conversion of light into biochemical energy. Positive physiological responses are initiated allowing normal cell morphology and function to be restored.
The physiological effects of LILT are numerous. LILT increases DNA synthesis the protein building blocks essential to the process of cell regeneration. It increases collagen to help maximize the tensile strength of muscles, tendons and ligaments, and ATP (adenosine triphosphate) to fuel the cell. It facilitates the release of endorphins morphine-like substances produced by the body to reduce the sensation of pain. LILT helps modulate the cellular components involved in the healing process (e.g. macrophages, fibroblasts, and lymphocytes.) In addition, LILT stimulates the immune response, improves lymphatic drainage, and increases angiogenesis (formation of new capillaries and arterioles) resulting in improved circulation and tissue oxygenation.
Low-intensity laser treatment usually takes 30 minutes. Unlike most pharmaceutical solutions and other therapeutic options, laser therapy is non-toxic, non-invasive and, in over one million individual treatments, no significant adverse effects have been noted. The number of treatments will depend on the chronicity and the extent of the pathology involved. Based on the genetic makeup of the cells, an individual's response to LILT will vary to some degree. A recent clinical review, including 1,000 consecutively treated patients, reveals the average number of treatments to be 9.4.
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What are the benefits of LILT?
Low-intensity laser therapy can be an effective treatment for a wide variety of musculoskeletal conditions including:
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Epicondylitis (tennis and golfer's elbow)
Repetitive strain and overuse syndromes Rotator cuff injury
Temporo-mandibular joint (jaw) dysfunction
Complex regional pain syndrome
Ligament and tendon tears
Fractures with associated soft tissue injuries
Facet joint syndrome
Bulging and herniated discs
Plantar fasciitis
Rheumatoid arthritis
Chondromalacia patella
Spinal stenosis
Bells palsy
Trigeminal neuralgia
Peripheral nerve damage
Post-herpetic pain (due to shingles)